Student Absences and Excuses

Weld County School District RE-10J

One criteria of a student's success in school is regular and punctual attendance.  Frequent absences may lead to poor academic work, lack of social development and possible academic failure.  Regular attendance is of utmost importance for school interest, social adjustment and scholastic achievement.   No single factor may interfere with a student's progress more quickly than frequent tardiness or absence.  

According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent/guardian to ensure that every child under their care and supervision receives adequate education and training and, if of compulsory attendance age, attends school.

Continuity in the learning process and social adaptation is seriously disrupted by excessive absences.  In most situations, the work missed cannot be made up adequately.  Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school more and are more employable after leaving school.  For at least these reasons, the Board believes that a student must satisfy two basic requirements in order to earn full class credit:  (1) satisfy all academic requirements and (2) exhibit good attendance habits as stated in this policy.

Excused absences

The school district requires a physical, verbal, or written contact from parents/guardians to the attendance office whenever a student is absent for recording purposes. For an absence to be excused, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school within 24 hours of the absence.  If the contact has not been made then the absence will be unexcused.

The following shall be considered by the attendance officer as excused absences:

1. A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on a prearranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours. 

2. A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability.

3. A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school.

4. A student who is attending any school sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration.

5. A student who is suspended or expelled.

As applicable, the district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources. 

Unexcused absences

An unexcused absence is defined as an absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions.  Each unexcused absence shall be entered on the student's record.  The parents/guardians of the student receiving an unexcused absence shall be notified orally or in writing by the district of the unexcused absence.

In accordance with law, the district may impose academic penalties which relate directly to classes missed while unexcused. 

The administration shall develop regulations to implement appropriate penalties. 

Students and parents/guardians may petition the Board of Education for exceptions to this policy provided that no exception shall be sustained if the student fails to abide by all requirements imposed by the Board as conditions for granting any such exception.  

The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10 days during any school year.

Chronic absenteeism

When a student has an excessive number of absences, these absences negatively impact the student’s academic success. For this reason, a student who has 10 days or 70 class periods total absences in a school year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused, may be identified as “chronically absent” by the principal or designee. Absences due to suspension or expulsion shall not be counted in the total number of absences considered for the purpose of identifying a student as “chronically absent.”

If a student is identified as “chronically absent,” the principal or designee shall develop a plan to improve the student’s attendance. The plan shall include best practices and research-based strategies to address the reasons for the student’s chronic absenteeism. When practicable, the student’s parent/guardian shall participate in the development of the plan.

Nothing herein shall require the principal or designee to identify a student as “chronically absent” prior to declaring the student as a “habitual truant” and pursuing court proceedings against the student and his or her parents/guardians to compel the student’s  attendance in accordance with state law. 

Makeup work

Makeup work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator.  It is the responsibility of the student to pick up any makeup assignments permitted on the day returning to class.  Arrangements for the completion of assignments shall be made between the teacher and student. The intent of the policy is:

  • When a student is absent the student will receive a minimum of the number of days absent plus one day. 

  • Assignments that were assigned prior to the student’s absence should be due upon the return to school. 

Makeup work shall be allowed following an unexcused absence with the goal of providing the student and teacher in a working situation to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school.  However, this work will receive credit as determined by the teacher, which is the consequence for an unexcused absence.


Tardiness is defined as the appearance of a student without proper excuse after the scheduled time that a class begins.  Because of the disruptive nature of tardiness and the detrimental effect upon the rights of the non tardy student to uninterrupted learning, tardiness will be penalized as follows:

Any student that accumulates two unexcused tardies per semester in a class will be reported to the office and penalties shall follow the school discipline plan.  Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness.  

In an unavoidable situation, a student detained by another teacher or administrator shall not be considered tardy provided that the teacher or administrator gives the student a pass to enter his next class.  Teachers shall honor passes presented in accordance with this policy.

The provisions of this policy shall be applicable to all students in the district, including those above and below the age for compulsory attendance as required by law.


Any student not in their assigned room at the start of their school day will be considered absent or tardy.  Any student gone more than 3 hours at any time during the school day will be recorded as ½ day absent. Attendance in school until 1:30pm will be considered a full day of school. 


C.R.S. 2232109 (1) (n), (w) (length of school year, instruction & contact time, conduct & discipline code)

C.R.S. 2233101 et seq. (School Attendance Law of 1963)

C.R.S.  22-33-104   (Compulsory school attendance)

      C.R.S.  22-33-107    (Enforcement of compulsory attendance)


IC/ICA, School Year/School Calendar

JEA, Compulsory Attendance Ages

JHB, Truancy

JK, Student Discipline

JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students

JLIB, Student Dismissal Precautions

Note 1:  The law requires the local board of education to designate an attendance officer for the district to enforce the provisions of the compulsory attendance law, counsel students and parents, investigate the causes of nonattendance and report those findings to the board.

NOTE 2:  Penalties in addition to those referred to in this sample policy may be approved by the Board or administration.

NOTE 3:  State law requires that the attendance policy specify the maximum number of unexcused absences that it takes to trigger enforcement of compulsory attendance.  In determining that number, which can be expressed either in hours or day, it may be helpful to refer to C.R.S. 2233107 (3) which defines “habitual truant” as a child age 715 who has four unexcused absences from school in a month or 10 during the school year.

Adopted: June 2004

Revised : October 27, 2009

Revised:  August 25, 2015

Revised:  January 28, 2020

Revised:  July 18, 2022