February 28,  2023

Morning Note

Lunch Duty:  Mr. Jewell and Mr. Max Fokken

Tuesday, February 28 - Board of Education meeting in the school library

Friday, March 10 - End of the third quarter.

Sports Schedule

Regional Basketball

Congratulations to both the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams for making it to the Regional round.  The details follow.

There is a pep assembly at 8:15 Friday morning in the Ellis Gym.  The boys will load the bus at 8:45 and leave for the games at 9:00.  The boys’ games are at Granada.  We are hosting the girls’ regional tournament.

Boys (at Granada)

Briggsdale vs. Idalia at 4:00

Granada vs. Sangre de Cristo at 5:30

Regional championship on Saturday at 1:00

Girls (at Briggsdale)

Doors open for the general public at 2:15.

Nucla vs. Eads at 3:00

Briggsdale vs. Rocky Mountain Lutheran at 5:00

Regional championship on Saturday at 1:00.  Doors open for the general public at 12:15.

Because this is a CHSAA event, the following rules are in place: 

The only passes allowed are CHSAA and CHSCA passes.  League family passes are not valid for these games.  All people who attend must pay.  This includes students, Briggsdale School employees, and senior citizen community members.  Players on girls’ basketball team and managers are allowed into the gym without paying.  In order to minimize mud in the gym, everyone must come through the front doors of the school. 

Admission Costs:

$8 for adults                                                   $5 for students (K-12) and senior citizen community                                                                                                        members

March 9, 10, and 11

State Basketball at University of Northern Colorado
